Before Christmas a retired nurse friend of ours here in the apartment building, conscious of eating healthy, gave us a pomegranate. We had seen this fruit many times at the supermarket, but somehow had never added it to our diet. So, we had to ask our nurse friend HOW to eat a pomegranate ... don't laugh, you probably haven't attacked one either! Simply stated, one is to cut off the "crown" of the fruit, then score the skin into sections, pulling it apart to expose the white flesh and then pop out the red seeds ... 613 of them according to rabbis as there are that many commandments in Judaism! We didn't count the seeds and didn't eat them right away, either, rather we put them in a covered plastic dish in the refrigerator. Guess we weren't sure how our colons would tolerate the seeds. Finally, ashamed that we were not showing thankfulness for such a gift, Mary K. set the rescued dish of seeds before me and I ate some. Believe me, they are delicious -- reddish juicy flesh around each one and the seed itself with a nutty flavor (tho we seniors have to chew and chew) and chock full of nutrients and antioxidants -- good for the heart, circulation and even prostate! Curious to learn more about this fruit, I "googled" the topic and found that our basic approach was right, but ... the best method was to score the fruit , then pop it open in a bowl of water, which allows the skin to stay on top and the seeds to sink to the bottom, ready for retrieval and consumption ... please don't slurp! In an earlier blog we described the Christmas goodies displayed at the Grimes Food Store in Wallace many years ago. Although Dad never stocked (or maybe heard of) pomegranates, a favorite fruit was the tangerine ... aromatic and juicy... and lots of seeds, but whoever advised eating the seeds? Why all this positive promotion of promegranates? Well, to me the enjoyment of this pretty, ruddy-red fruit (grown mainly in the Middle East, Israel, and here in California) is like reading the Bible. Dear reader, this is to encourage you to start today and read the Bible through, only 3 chapters or so per day, in this new year. They tell us the Bible is still a Best Seller, but I fear so many folks treat it the way I did the pomegranate -- nice to look AT, but seldom looked INTO and for many, never read THROUGH! Yes, like that fruit you will find that opening God's Word carefully, daily and sort of "under water" (asking help of the Holy Spirit) you will have lots of spiritually nourishing and truly profitable precepts and promises to munch on and assimilate. Like King David you will find, "How sweet are Thy Words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103). HAPPY NEW you squeeze
good things out of the Scriptures! P.S. Do a study in your Bible on the pomegranate, too!
I liked your suggestion putting it in water to have the skin float up. I have dug my way through several pomegranates in my days. spending days trying to finish it off, but I agree, worth all the effort. Just like reading the Bible! Great application!
Love you guys - Christen
Great post - excellent illustration. I think I will stick with the Bible reading - not sure about taking up a new fruit.
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